Writing Through Writer’s Block

As long as our hearts are beating, we each have a voice that aches to speak. But writing demands a particular and often delicate balance between spirit and mind, left brain and right, drive and patience. Add to that the social muting so many of us endure, the industrial schooling that trained us to shut up and sit still, the nested cycles of silencing that our culture inflicts, and it’s no wonder the creative process often stumbles. Writing is work but it doesn’t have to be torture.
In this class, we’ll aim to get our groove back. Using a limber range of writing exercises, we’ll shake up our internal universes so our stars can fall back into alignment.
The class is 8 weeks of 2-hour meetings over Zoom. Cost is $150.
Women’s Class
Saturdays starting March 19
3 PM – 5 PM PST
Note: no class April 23, so the session runs through May 14.
Open Class–All Welcome
Sundays starting March 20
10 AM – 12 noon PST
Note: no class April 24, so the session runs through May 15.